Cultural Commentary

As I see things …

  • Cultural Commentary,  Faith,  The Bible

    Was Queen Elizabeth a Saint?

    The Washington Post referred to Queen Elizabeth “as the most famous woman in the world.” One television commentator said, “She was the biggest star in the world.” Another said, “[We have] celebrated a woman who defined history.” And again, “With unswerving devotion to the gospel, she brought vigor to the monarchy.” If you are among the estimated four billion people worldwide who tuned in early Monday morning to watch the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, you witnessed an unprecedented historic event. Formal services were held first inside Westminster Abbey, followed by a funeral cortege through the streets of London, ending at St. George’s Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle.…

  • Books,  Cultural Commentary,  O, Humanity!

    The Death of Queen Elizabeth: Beneath the Robes of Royalty Lies a Human Being

    Flesh and blood, bone and frailty, “for dust thou art unto dust thou shalt return” [1], this singular reality leaves even the greatest among all monarchs subject to death. And each of us as well. The reign of Queen Elizabeth II, longest in British history, extended over 70 years. During that time, 13 American presidents and 15 British prime ministers came and went, and countless world rulers have exited the stage of history. This image shows some world rulers during her 70 year reign. Her picture underneath them all, as if looking up, made me think of The Lord of the Rings. Only in this case, “One Queen to rule…

  • Cultural Commentary,  Writing

    Thank You Note? Or Thank You Not?

    To write or not to write? That is the question. Whether tis nobler to overlook acknowledgement of a gift or to take pen in hand and write the words "Thank You," thus opposing the nature of ingratitude, and by opposing, end the default sense of entitlement. When gifts received are not acknowledged by the receiver, what’s a mother to do? Or anyone, for that matter. Anyone who gives time and thought and money to purchase a gift merits proper acknowledgement. acknowledgement: a thing done or given in recognition of something received Recipients who fail to make the connection between gifts received and the giver who gave the gift ought to…

  • Books,  Cultural Commentary,  Good stories,  Reading

    “Un-distracted” in an Age of Wild Assaults

    “To write a great book, you must first become the book.” Naval Ravikant Bob Goff becomes the books he writes. At least, he lives the book before he writes it. Undistracted: Capture Your Purpose Rediscover Your Joy Somehow, Bob freed himself from distractions in his own life to write a book that he hopes will help readers capture their own purpose and joy. Bob oozes authenticity from an oversized personality that spills onto the pages of the books he has written. Going. Blowing. Doing. “When it comes to the words we use, we’re never shooting blanks.” Bob Goff Bob wants to help other people realize the fullest potential in their…

  • About Me,  Cultural Commentary,  Faith,  Travel

    People Are Complicated. So Are Bridges.

    In a message by Dr. Earl Palmer, he used the Golden Gate Bridge to illustrate a basic truth about life. He said that the “secret” of this monumental bridge’s strength and stability depends on two main cables. These cables he compared to simplicity and flexibility. It still amazes me when a situation triggers memory of an illustration I heard a long, long time ago. While seeking simplicity, my life still gets complicated. The design of this “eighth wonder of the world in Northern California” does not depend on hundreds of cables strung all over the bay area like a web. Instead, 2 main cables anchored in bedrock on each side…

  • About Me,  Cultural Commentary,  Faith,  Writing

    Clock Faces: Time Only Moves Forward

    “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” William Penn The psalmist wrote words to remind you and me to number our days in order to apply our hearts to wisdom. [1] Easier said than done. Right? Clock by Linda Pastan Sometimes it really upsets me—the way the clock’s hands keep moving, even when I’m just sitting here not doing anything at all, not even thinking about anything Why or why not? except, right now, about that clock and how it can’t keep its hands still. Even in the dark I picture it, and all its brother and sister clocks and watches, even sundials, all those compulsive…

  • Books,  Cultural Commentary,  Movies,  O, Humanity!

    Decision Fatigue: Too Many Choices

    When a friend mentioned eating at a restaurant in Amarillo that had only 5 choices for entrées on the menu, his comments reminded me of the movie Hell or High Water (2016). The phrase "come hell or high water" typically means "do whatever needs to be done, no matter the circumstances." It also refers to the "hell or high water clause" in a contract, usually a lease, which states that the payments must continue regardless of any difficulties the paying party may encounter. Both definitions apply to different parts of the plot in this movie. The first two bank robberies take place in Archer City and Olney, Texas. These were…